I wrote and maintain the theme for my wife’s website.

I installed everything I used on my laptop with these commands:

brew install composer php php-code-sniffer php-cs-fixer phplint phpmd phpstan \
composer require nunomaduro/phpinsights --dev
pecl install xdebug

Testing Link to heading

For testing I’m using PHPUnit with CodeCoverage enabled (code coverage also requires Xdebug); I’ve been able to achieve near 100% test coverage (excluding functions.php which is now mostly configuration rather than code), and along the way I’ve improved and cleaned up the code significantly. The other PHP files in the theme are used automatically by Wordpress to display content of different types and have very little logic in them, so I don’t feel they are worth testing and testing would require faking lots of Wordpress functions.

I created a phpunit.xml config file using phpunit --generate-configuration plus editing so that I don’t have to keep supplying command line flags. Note that PHPUnit 9 and 10 have incompatible config files: although PHPUnit 10 will accept a config from PHPUnit 9, it will exit unsuccessfully, making it impossible to use in a pre-commit, so I have checked in both configs and symlink the correct one in each checkout.

I wrote some test helpers and fakes (e.g. FakeWordpress.php); I put them in src/ rather than test/ so code coverage would be measured for them - this gives me an easy way to spot unused code in test helpers that I can delete.

Linting Link to heading

Beware: there are many different style guides for PHP that seldom agree, so different tools might disagree over how your code should be formatted.

PHPLint Link to heading

Note: development of PHPLint seems to have stopped in 2020, and it refers to supporting PHP 5 and PHP 7, which is not encouraging. I would not recommend PHPLint now, I suggest trying PHPStan or PHP Insights, both briefly described below.

Note: I removed the content about PHPLint because I wouldn’t recommend it and development seems to have stopped.

Overall I think PHPLint is too difficult and intrusive to be worthwhile, though I might feel differently if I had jumped directly to defining my own data structures. I got maybe 20% of the benefit I needed to justify the effort I put into it.

PHPStan Link to heading

I used PHPStan, and it mostly identified missing type annotations, which were easy to fix so it was a quick return on investment. I fairly easily reached level 8, but level 9 looked like a lot more work so I haven’t tried to reach that yet. I would recommend PHPStan for sure. I needed to use Composer to add PHPUnit as a dependency for PHPStan to resolve the PHPUnit imports in my tests; composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit ^9 was all it took.

PHP Coding Standards Fixer Link to heading

I used PHP Coding Standards Fixer to automatically fix some things that a linter would complain about. When I enabled the large sets of rules like @PhpCsFixer I was unhappy with the output, e.g. multi-line arrays and function calls had their indentation removed, which I strongly dislike. I read through the docs and picked out the rules I agreed with, put them in a .php_cs.dist config file, and enabled them one at a time to make small related changes I could easily review rather than one giant commit. Having tests made me confident that the tool hadn’t broken my code with the changes - yay for the tests! I had initially thought about testing out more of the rules in future, but an evening’s work has already gotten me good benefits, and further work looks like it will have very diminishing returns, so I’m happy with the investment of time I’ve made and probably won’t be investing any more.

PHP Insights Link to heading

I used PHP Insights, first to automatically reformat my code and fix lint warnings, and secondly to provide a list of warnings that I manually fixed. I recommend running the fixer multiple times: some of the changes it made will trigger its own lint checks :( I found some of the lint checks useful, and some I ignored because the return on investment for them didn’t seem to justify the work required. I can see myself using this again in the future.

PHP_CodeSniffer Link to heading

I tried PHP_CodeSniffer but it produced a huge number of warnings and the documentation about configuring it is hard to follow, so I quickly gave up on that.

PHP Mess Detector Link to heading

I tried PHP Mess Detector but PHP itself output ~1000 lines of deprecation warnings for the PHP Mess Detector code so I quickly gave up on that too. I tried it again later and it complained about boolean parameters and else branches on if statements, so I quickly gave up on it again.

Breaking up functions.php Link to heading

functions.php is the Wordpress theme file that most documentation will tell you to modify, and for several years I put every new function into it, leading to a mixed up mess of code. Breaking up functions.php into separate files while writing tests has had multiple benefits:

  • It’s much easier to understand a piece of functionality because all the related code is in an individual file rather than jumbled up with lots of other code.
  • Writing tests was much more satisfactory because I had intermediate targets to hit 100% coverage on rather than a single gigantic file where progress would be glacially slow. I wouldn’t ever get to 100% coverage on functions.php anyway because too much of it is Wordpress configuration that can’t be meaningfully tested in isolation.
  • I improved the code as I wrote the tests by removing unnecessary code, making cleaner interfaces, and breaking spaghetti code down into separate functions. This was all easier when working on small piece of functionality than it would have been working on everything at once. The code grew in size by approximately 200 lines or a factor of 1.158.

functions.php still exists, but it’s now 148 lines long rather than 1226 lines long!